Monthly Goals/April

After I made a list of goals to complete this year, I realized just how much I needed month-by-month goals to fulfill all of my goals for the year. At the beginning of each month, I'm planning on making a small post about what my goals for the month are. So, let's get started!

My goals for April may seem really cliche, maybe even stupid, but they are things that I really feel I need to work towards/on.
1. Take time for myself - because of the craziness that has been this semester, I haven't had any time to just chill out by myself and catch up on reading through blogs and watching YouTube videos like I love to do. This month, my goal is to take at least thirty minutes a night to myself during the school week to watch a few YouTube videos, read a few blog posts, or pamper myself.
2. Exercise - ever since I entered college and wasn't playing volleyball everyday, I've really struggled with exercising. I always remember feeling so good during high school because I was fitting in physical exercise every day. This month, I'm planning on focusing more on finding an exercise routine that I enjoy.
3. Eating - after Gary and I returned from vacation, I realized just how bad I've been eating. I've been so lazy with cooking because I haven't put forth enough effort to make it to the grocery store. Plus, I realized I love sweets way too much. This month, I'm going to try to balance my food diet by incorporating more meat, vegetables, and fruit.
4. Try something new - since I was probably around thirteen or fourteen, I've had this thing for calligraphy. I tried and tried when I was younger, but never really kept with it. This month, I want to buy a few supplies and take a calligraphy class.

Do you have any tips for helping me work on my goals? Leave any advice in the comments below!


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