
Song: It's Time by Imagine Dragons. You can find the song here. I'm sure all of you have heard this song. I can't seem to get it out of my head!

Show: 24. I'm re-watching all the seasons of 24--I absolutely love the show and they are making a new season to premier next summer! More details here.

Verse: James 4:14--"whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away." Lately, I have been struggling with being really hard on myself and feeling really out of control, which in reality, I am. And this verse has just put me into perspective that I'm not here for my needs or for what I want, but to glorify God with the talents and the personality that He has given me (which I am still figuring out for myself) during this short period of time that I'm here!

Food: Fruit salad. As of late, I'm especially obsessed with fruit. I just can't eat enough fruit! :)

What did you love this week?


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