Monthly Goals/May

I've always loved the ideas of goals - something to work towards and achieve. This month my goals are:
1. Find a schedule - since I have a month off from school, I'm trying to work on finding a schedule for myself and fitting in all of the things I want to do (which is no small feat)!
2. Exercise - I've recently started yoga and have really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to working it into my daily life.
3. Plan meals - when I first moved into my apartment, I would plan meals for the two weeks ahead. Since I was all kinds of busy during the past semester, I fell out of doing it. This month, I'm really going to try extra hard to start meal planning again.
4. Photography - this month, I really want to work on the quality of my photos (and content) of my blog.

Do you have any goals for this month?


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